Design Process
Design Process
Design is a creative process aimed to prepare plans,
specifications, drawings, sketches or concepts for production and supply of
products and services. Design is ultimately concerned with human happiness
through creating harmonious environment during production, supply, installation,
servicing and real use conditions, which satisfy basic needs of the people. It
shares common concepts and aspirations with several contemporary disciplines
including psychology, ergonomics, culture, architecture, environment, buying
behavior, business management and engineering.
The important quality aspects and regulatory requirements,
such as safety, performance and dependability of a product (whether hardware,
software, processed material or service) are established during the design and
development process. Deficient
design can be a major cause of quality problems. A formal quality management
system can specify a systematic control procedure for ensuring quality in design
during design process. In the design and development process, various interfaces
and operations are involved during a relatively longer time scale. Therefore, it
is essential that an effective and efficient control procedure must be developed
and implemented to eliminate the quality deficiencies in the product at the
design level itself.
Various stages involved in systematic design process are
explained next: